Last Login: 27-Dec-2024

HR at Americian School District Education Association, United States
International Education Program Consultant
The American School Districts Education Association (ASDEA) is a collaboration of 28 school districts from five states, namely, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas and Connecticut. It is dedicated to the exchange and cooperation of international education between member schools and schools from outside the United States.
Initially, Wisconsin School District Alliance led by the Wisconsin Public School Districts and the University of Wisconsin, which has started its collaborations with government partners and schools in building with sister-relationships and establishing international projects and programs, hence the first representing office was officially opened in Beijing, 2013.
Following the years, more and more school districts from states other than Wisconsin would like to be part of the alliance and participate with the international programs, which have been successfully operated in China. With the initial foundation and leadership of school districts in Wisconsin, the American School District Education Association (ASDEA) has included school districts from other four states. ASDEA is taking all participated school districts from Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas and Connecticut following the original success pathway from Wisconsin School District Alliance, keep learning and strive for greater exchanges and development in the Asia-Pacific region.
Jobs posted
3-15 yrs