Last Login: 30-Mar-2021

Soumyajit Kar
Senior HR at GreeChat
Australian headquartered, global provider of the software, agents and expertise to deliver a fully managed 24/7 Live Chat programme which proactively engages website visitors to systematically deliver more sales.
It takes 2 minutes to implement our code, a week to onboard our agents and a month to start showing ROI. We service a range of businesses such as Regus, Experian, j2 Global and Miele from a range of industries in the Australian, US and UK markets as well as Asia.
Greechat will deliver more sales in the first month and continue to improve thanks to our commitment to daily optimisation and constant innovation. This is a solution that is virtually on autopilot typically only requiring approximately an hour of the clients time for initial setup and 30 minutes each month to assist with refinement.
Visit our website to find out more.
Jobs posted
1-8 yrs
Any Location